Tips for Sending Emergency Notifications Throughout a Stadium

Tips for Sending Emergency Notifications Throughout a Stadium
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Overcoming Distractions

Baseball season is in full swing, and if you’re in charge of stadium security that means finding the best way to keep people safe. With so many people in one place, it can be difficult to keep guests and staff safe should an emergency arise. With the distractions of the event, it can be challenging to get people’s attention about information that can impact their safety. While using a speaker system is an essential part of communicating, there are other ways that can also help spread the word and fulfill an organization’s duty of care.

Using the right emergency notification system, stadium officials can connect to tools that help them grab people’s attention and communicate critical information. In this blog post, we’ll outline two simple ways stadiums can leverage emergency notification systems to keep people safe and informed.

Connecting RSS to Digital Signage

In a stadium, one of the best ways to get attention is by leveraging digital signage. Jumbotrons, scoreboards, and signage in concourses can all be leveraged to share emergency messages this provides clear visuals and is accessible to people who may have hearing impairments. The question then becomes: how does a stadium do that?

Stadium officials should look for an emergency notification system that can integrate with digital signage and trigger alerts based on an RSS feed. A system with the ability to monitor that feed can then automatically broadcast an emergency message with the details from the RSS. This offers a simple and effective way to quickly broadcast emergency alerts throughout a stadium.

Mobile Opt-in Alerts

Another option is to have visitors opt-in to receive stadium safety alerts. Proactive safety plans leverage every communication channel available. That means using mobile and on-premises devices to spread information. Systems that offer visitors the chance to send an SMS text message to a specified number, give stadium personnel a 1:1 communication method to reach people.

Language for these postings can be displayed around the stadium and should be straightforward. For example:

“To receive safety notifications during the game, text #safety to 555-555-5555.”

Stadiums may also want to consider incentivizing signing up, by providing special offers to visitors in addition to safety information. The more tools an emergency notification system can tie together, the more likely it is that everyone will receive the information they need to stay safe.

Leverage InformaCast

InformaCast emergency notification system from Singlewire Software offers users the ability to leverage digital signage, monitor RSS feeds and have people opt-in to receive mobile alerts on their phones. In addition, it can tie into other devices stadiums might utilize for visitor safety including overheads speakers and fire alarm systems. Bringing all these systems together helps stadiums get the message out quickly and ensure they are reaching everyone to keep them safe.