First Wearable Panic Button Integration for InformaCast Personal Duress Package Available

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Wearable Panic Button Integration

A robust safety solution needs to be easy to use; that’s why Singlewire Software has added its first wearable panic button integration to the InformaCast Personal Duress Package. Using a wearable badge, a staff member can send a scenario notification to their organization’s incident response team that includes the person’s name and location. This update also includes the ability to import campuses and naming structures already configured with the wearable badge into InformaCast to populate site information. Singlewire Software will continue to expand its integrations with wearable badges in the near future to accommodate any organization using these powerful tools to keep their people safe.

Wearable badges are just one component of the InformaCast Personal Duress Package. InformaCast Fusion customers can leverage the package to provide multiple, easy-to-activate panic buttons for their staff to request assistance. In addition to the wearable badge, organizations can leverage a configurable panic button within the InformaCast app for staff members to use on their mobile phones. At their desk, staff members can use configured virtual panic buttons on their desk phones or desktop computers via keyboard shortcuts. Watch the video below to see how each of these methods can enhance safety and help activate an efficient response from safety teams.

More InformaCast Updates

The wearable panic button integration is just one of the new features and enhancements available in the latest InformaCast release. Also included in this release:

  • Add More Detail to Sites. The sites that standard and integration scenarios use can now include more detail, such as the building in which an activity occurred. In a previous version of InformaCast Fusion, floors, and rooms/zones were added. The addition of buildings brings InformaCast Fusion more in line with industry standards.
  • Mobile and Desktop App Users Can Now Select Site Details. Previously only available when initiating a standard scenario from the Administration Console, InformaCast app mobile and desktop devices can now select buildings, floors, and rooms/zones when answering a site-type question while initiating a scenario.
  • Badge Added to Notifications Icon. When you have active notifications, a new red badge will appear over the Notifications icon in the blue header of the Administration Console.
  • Outbound RSS Feed Upgrade. InformaCast Fusion’s method for assigning URLs to RSS feeds has changed in favor of a new method, and the prior method was deprecated. InformaCast Fusion will automatically update URLs for customers with existing outbound RSS feeds. To avoid feed errors, customers should update their RSS endpoints with the new URL(s) immediately.

See the release notes in the user guide for a full list of updates.

Roll Call Coming Soon

In our next release, Singlewire Software will add Roll Call functionality to InformaCast Fusion. This will enable organizations to account for their people during a crisis by assigning them a status, such as “Safe” or “Injured” as well as a location. This can help schools and colleges during an active shooter situation and assist with reunification after an incident. In manufacturing, this can be used for mustering points to account for different work teams if areas need to be evacuated. More details, including video demonstrations, will be available soon.