Advanced Network Devices – Leading maker of IP endpoints and network devices

Key Integration Partner
Contact ClosuresIntegrationsPanic ButtonsSensors/DetectorsSpeakers/ClocksStrobes/Visual IndicatorsZone Controllers

Product Information

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Gunshot Detection

IP Speakers and Clocks

Panic Button, Call Buttons, Strobes, and more

Zone Controller

About Our Partner

Advanced Network Devices (ANetD) is a leading maker of IP endpoint devices for mass notification systems. We are an engineering-centric company specializing in audio and video technology related to networking, notification, and security.

Support Information

Contact Advanced Network Devices at 847-463-2237 or [email protected] or submit an Online Request.

They also provide their customers access to a portal for firmware updates and Technical Resources, including feature configuration guides and more.

  • Using Message Priorities with InformaCast: Use AND message priority actions with InformaCast.
  • Configuring Device for InformaCast M2M: Configure an AND device to use InformaCast Machine-to-Machine (M2M) technology. This technology enables an AND device triggered by an event like a contact closure input to transmit a message to InformaCast to trigger alerts.
  • Inline Text Message Markup: Define text fonts, colors, shadows, and flashing, as well as LED flasher behavior for AND display devices within InformaCast and other compatible third-party software.