Do More than Just Send Messages During an Emergency

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From EHS Today

When an emergency occurs that threatens work safety, most organizations know they need to alert people as quickly as possible to keep them out of harm’s way. Many organizations have tools in place to let them do this, whether they’re alarms, sirens, strobes or other means to share audio and visual alerts. This helps organizations address the most immediate concern of raising awareness about an issue, but the more challenging question is: What comes next?

The problem is, once that initial alert goes out, different people have various responsibilities to carry out. While a single tool can be used to share information at the onset of a crisis, organizations often rely on multiple tools that specific groups need to accomplish their role as an emergency response plan. This can be inefficient and confusing, as people need to remember which tool to use and what tasks they are responsible for, resulting in precious seconds being lost. In a serious situation, those seconds can sometimes be the difference between safety and harm.

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