Maricopa schools roll out ‘Visitor Aware’ check-in

NewsPress Coverage
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To help bolster security at Maricopa Unified School District campuses, a new “Visitor Aware” digital check-in pilot program was rolled out this week.

The system allows visitors and volunteers to check in with staff, scan an identification card and be issued a sticker badge, then return the badge upon checking out.

“Visitor Aware plays a key role in ensuring that our school remain safe and welcoming environments,” said Tracey Pastor, MUSD assistant superintendent of administrative services.

First-time visitors and volunteers are typically entered into the system and the bar code from an ID card verifies the information. Once approved, individuals are issued badges with photos that grant them access to a school.

The new program allows staff to know exactly who is on a campus at any given time. The system will text an individual as a reminder if he or she has not checked in a certain amount of time.

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