Mobile Panic Button for InformaCast App

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Singlewire Software, a leading mass notification technology developer, has launched a new mobile panic button for its InformaCast mass notification app. End users will be able to request assistance when they are in need of help directly from their mobile phone, and administrators will be able to see who is requesting help and their location.

“We are always looking to develop solutions that allow people to get help as fast as possible,” said Paul Shain, president and CEO of Singlewire Software. “The mobile panic button provides an immediate way for people to signal for help when they find themselves in a dangerous situation.”

System administrators can now create mobile panic buttons from within the web interface that will appear on designated end-users’ InformaCast mobile app. When the user activates the button, they will receive instructions and be able to connect with safety teams via a phone call directly from the app to receive further assistance.

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