How Networking Upgrades in Senior Care Are Boosting Experiences for Providers and Residents

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The pandemic may have accelerated network upgrades in senior care, but providers see long-term benefits, especially as their clientele becomes increasingly tech savvy. Pervasive Wi-Fi, supported by robust network management tools, sets a foundation for strategic improvements for staff, residents and overall operations.

That proved to be the case for Enlivant, headquartered in Chicago and serving 214 independent, assisted living and memory care communities in 27 states. CIO Justin Sheppard was still in the first 90 days of his role when the pandemic hit in 2020, adding new urgency to plans to upgrade and refresh Wi-Fi throughout the Enlivant portfolio.

Connecting residents with their families during extended COVID-19 lockdowns was a primary driver for the project. But there was also a business need, as lockdowns curtailed in-person tours that are vital for prospective residents. Enlivant shifted to virtual tours via Zoom and other video conferencing platforms, Sheppard says, but “it was pretty evident early on that the Wi-Fi in many of our communities wasn’t sufficient to support a virtual tour.”

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