Sioux Falls School District enhances visitor check-in security

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From South Dakota Public Broadcasting (SDPB)

The Sioux Falls School District is adding new security software to its current protocols.

The software is called “Visitor Aware” and is an iPad app and available at all 38 district school buildings.

The system is used for all guests and volunteers and replaces the old pen and paper sign-in sheets. The system is installed on iPads and utilizes ID scanning and encrypts facial recognition to check sex offender databases, government watchlists, and active legal injunctions.

Dave Osterquist is the Security Coordinator for the Sioux Falls School District.

“So, if you’re coming to visit one of our schools, I would strongly recommend that you have a photo I.D. A government issued I.D. preferably your driver’s license or a state issued identification card. You will be asked to present that when you go to check into the building. You will have contact with the staff member that is responsible for the system. They will ask you to check in by first taking a photo of you using the iPad of your face and then you will scan the front and back of your driver’s license,” said Osterquist.

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