Provide digital hall passes and monitor student whereabouts

A student asking to be excused from class may not seem like a major issue, but it can disrupt class instruction and teachers don’t have any way to ensure that a student only goes where they’ve asked. Hall Manager provides teachers with a digital method for granting permission for students to be excused while being able to restrict areas of a school they are allowed to visit.

Hall Manager from Visitor Aware

Digital Permissions

Students asking to be excused from class can be disruptive. Hall Manager offers a digital solution that enables students to request permission to be excused that teachers can grant without stopping instruction. Whether students need to use the restroom, visit the library, or see the nurse, teachers can determine the location and length of time the student is permitted to be excused from class.

Create Restrictions

Once a student is excused from class, it can be difficult to ensure they only venture to where they have asked to go. Dismissal Manager enables teachers to restrict student movements by selecting the location they are permitted to visit. They can also minimize disruptions by limiting particular students from being excused from class at the same time. This helps avoid potential issues in the hall and lets excused students know they are expected to only visit their permitted location.

Activity Log

School leaders need to be able to keep track of students. This isn’t always easy if students have been granted permission to leave their classroom. Dismissal Manager helps teachers maintain a digital log they can use to keep track of student whereabouts. This helps account for students should an incident occur, and helps other school staff verify a student has permission to be excused if they encounter them in the hallway.

Visitor Aware®. Solutions for visitor and safety management.


  • Screen visitors and volunteers in a matter of seconds
  • Check visitors against national databases before granting them access
  • Pre-approve guests ahead of their visit to speed up the check-in process
  • Leverage whatever hardware works best in your environment

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  • Verify students get on the correct bus
  • Notify guardians and school officials that students are on the correct bus
  • Use GPS to track bus and student locations in real-time
  • Know when students have gotten off the bus

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  • Monitor and track student dismissal types
  • Streamline the carpool line pickup process
  • License Plate Recognition integration to identify guardians

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  • Digitally permit students to be excused from class
  • Create restrictions around granting student passes
  • Maintain digital student hallway activity log

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  • Schedule and assign drills across your district
  • Maintain digital records to demonstrate compliance
  • Record student location information for streamlined reunification
  • Report tips anonymously to stay ahead of potential threats

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All solutions you need to keep your people safe.

Safety is a top priority for any school, which is why we offer a full range of solutions that help you detect threats, notify everyone, and manage incidents from start to finish. With our Visitor Aware and InformaCast software, your school will be able to enhance safety and communication to handle any situation you may face. Explore our safety solutions today!